Dictionar englez-roman.
| | | | ta | multumesc(familiar), | | | tab | eticheta, pick up the..a achita, | | | tabby | pisica tarcata, baltata, | | | table | masa, tabel, a propune ceva, | | | tableau | tablou, cortina, | | | tablecloth | fata de masa, | | | tablespoon | lingura de supa(de servit), | | | tablespoonful | lingura(continutul), | | | tablet | tableta, pastila, concentrat, | | | tabloid | ziar de format mic(de scandal), | | | tabular | in forma de tabel, | | | tack | tunta, cui, pioneza, | | | tackle | scripete, odgon, instalatie, | | | tactful | abil, plin de tact, | | | tactis | tactica, | | | tactless | lipsit de tact, | | | tadpole | mormoloc, | | | tag | eticheta, stampila, | | | tail | coada, spate, coroana, | | | tailor | croitor, | | | tailoring | croitorie, | | | taint | pata, molipsire, | | | take | a lua, aprimi, a accepta, | | | take-off | decolare, | | | tale | poveste, basm, | | | talk | convesatie, discutie, tratative, | | | talkative | flecar, | | | talker | vorbitor, laudaros, | | | talkie | film sonor, | | | tall | inalt, riscant, exagerat, | | | tallow | seu, | | | tally | raboj, eticheta, | | | talon | gheara, | | | tame | bling, inofensiv, | | | tamper | a falsifica, a strica, | | | tan | argaseala, tanin, bronzare, | | | tangerine | mandarina, | | | tangible | palpabil, clar, | | | tangle | incurcatura, | | | tank | tanc, rezervor, | | | tankard | cana, | | | tanker | tanc petrolier, | | | tanner | tabacar, | | | tantalize | a chinui, a ispiti, | | | tantamount | a insemna, a se ridica la, | | | tap | robinet, bataie usoara, | | | tape | panglica, banda, | | | taper | luminare subtire, | | | tapering | conic, ascutit, | | | tapestry | tapet, tapiserie, | | | tar | gudron, catran , marinar, | | | target | tinta, sarcina, norma, | | | tarnish | intunecare, a intuneca, | | | tarpaulin | prelata, | | | tarry | a zabovi, a ramine, | | | tart | tarta, tirfa, | | | tartan | pled, stofa ecosez, | | | task | sarcina, tema, | | | tassel | ciucure, | | | taste | gust, preferinta, inghititura, | | | tasteful | gustos, | | | tasteless | fara gust sau haz, | | | tatter | zdreanta, | | | tattle | vorbarie(goala), | | | tattoo | tatuaj, tamtam, | | | taunt | ironie, a intepa, | | | taut | incordat, | | | tavern | circiuma, han, | | | tawny | maro deschis, | | | tax | impozit, taxa, povara, | | | taxation | fiscalitate, | | | taximeter | aparat de taxat, | | | tea | ceai, | | | team | echipa, pereche, | | | teamster | conducator de turma, vizitiu, | | | tear | lacrima, gaz lacrimogen, ruptura, a sfisia, | | | tearful | plingaret, scaldat in lacrimi, | | | tease | om ironic, mucalit, | | | teble | masa, tabel, tabla, | | | tecnicality | chitibus, | | | tedious | plicticos, lung, | | | teem | a fi plin, a misuna de, | | | teen-ager | adolescent(a), | | | teens | adolescenta, | | | teetotal(l)er | abstinent, antialcoolic, | | | telecast | emisiune de televiziune, | | | telegram | telegrama, | | | tell | a povesti , a spune, | | | tell-tale | gura sparta, tradator, | | | teller | cel ce numara, | | | telling | graitor, | | | temper | temperament, furie, | | | temperance | cumpatare, abstinenta, | | | tempest | furtuna, | | | tempestuos | furtunos, | | | temple | templu, timpla, | | | templet | sablon, | | | tempo | ritm, | | | tempt | a ispiti, | | | temptation | ispita, | | | ten | zece, | | | tenacious | tenace, lipicios, | | | tenant | chirias, arendas, | | | tench | lin, | | | tend | a pazi, a paste, | | | tendency | tendinta, | | | tender | ofertant, oferta, moneda, | | | tendril | circel, | | | tenement | inchiriere, casa de raport, | | | tenet | principiu, credinta, | | | tenfold | inzecit, | | | tenor | tenor, sens general, | | | tense | timp al verbului, | | | tension | tensiune, incordare, | | | tent | cort, | | | tentative | ipoteza, facut la noroc, | | | tenter-hook | cirlig de rufe, | | | tenth | zecime, al zecilea, | | | tenure | posesiune, stapinire, | | | tepid | caldut, | | | term | termen, limita, | | | terminal | terminus, capat, final, | | | terrace | terasa, parc, | | | terribly | foarte, groaznic, | | | terrific | strasnic, | | | terrify | a inspaiminta, | | | terse | concis, lapidar, | | | test | incercare, experienta, | | | testify | a declara, a dovedi, | | | testimonial | marturie, marturisire, | | | testy | suparacios, artagos, | | | tether | pripon, | | | texture | tesatura, structura, | | | than | decit, | | | thank | multumire, | | | thankfulness | ingrat, | | | that | acel, acea, atita, asa de, | | | thatch | stuf, | | | thaw | dezghet, | | | theft | hotie, furt, | | | their | lor, | | | theirs | al lor, | | | theme | tema, subiect, | | | themselves | insele, insisi, | | | then | de atunci, apoi, | | | there | acolo, atunci, | | | there and then | (atunci) pe loc, | | | there are | sunt, se afla (pl), | | | there is | exista, se afla (sg), | | | thereby | astfel, prin asta, | | | therefore | deci, prin urmare, de aceea, | | | therein | acolo(in), in aceasta privinta, | | | thereof | de aici, de acolo, din asta, | | | thesaurus | dictionar, enciclopedie, tezaur, | | | these | acesti, aceste, | | | thesis | principiu, teza, eseu, | | | they | ei, ele, lumea(impers), | | | thick | gros, dens, ragusit, | | | thicken | a (se) ingrosa, | | | thicket | cring, tufis, | | | thickness | grosime, strat, | | | thief | hot, | | | thievish | hot(esc), | | | thigh | coapsa, pulpa, | | | thimble | degetar, | | | thin | ubtire, slab, | | | thing | lucru, fiinta, amanunt, | | | think | a gindi, a socoti, | | | thinker | ginditor, cugetator, | | | thinking | gindire, meditatie, | | | thinness | subtirime, | | | third | treime, | | | thirst | sete, dor, | | | thirsty | insetat, uscat, | | | thirteen | treisprezce, | | | thirteenth | al treisprezecelea, | | | thirtieth | al treizecilea, | | | thirty | treizeci, | | | this | acest, aceasta, | | | thistle | ciulin, | | | thither | intracolo, | | | thnkful | recunoscator, | | | tho | desi, | | | thorn | spin, ciulin, | | | thorny | tepos, spinos, | | | thorough | profund, meticulos, | | | thoroughly | temeinic, complet, | | | those | acei, acele, | | | though | totusi, desi, | | | thought | gind, idee, nuanta, | | | thoughtful | meditativ, serios, atent, | | | thoughtless | aiurit, neatent, | | | thoughtlessness | zapaceala, nechibzuinta, | | | thousand | o mie, | | | thousandfold | inmiit, | | | thousandth | miime, al o miilea, | | | thrall | sclav, rob, | | | thrash | a bate, a treiera, | | | thrashing | bataie, treierat, | | | thread | ata, fir, uzat, ros, | | | threat | amenintare, | | | threaten | a ameninta, | | | three | trei, | | | threefold | intreit, | | | threepence | trei penny, | | | thresh | a treiera, | | | thresher | batoza, | | | threshold | prag, intrare, | | | thrice | de trei ori, | | | thrift | economie, chibzuiala, | | | thriftless | risipitor, | | | thrifty | economie, prosper, | | | thrill | fior, emotie, a face sa palpite, | | | thriller | roman, film politist, | | | thrilling | palpitant, | | | thro' | prin, | | | throaty | gutural, din git, | | | throb | puls, vibratie, duduit, | | | throes | dureri(ale facerii), chinuri, | | | throne | tron, | | | throng | aglomeratie, | | | throttle | git, beregata, | | | through | direct, gata, complet, | | | throughout | intru totul, peste tot, | | | throw | aruncare, a arunca, | | | thrust | impingere, impunsatura, | | | thud | bubuitura, bufnitura, | | | thug | criminal, apas, | | | thumb | degetul mare, | | | thump | lovitura cu pumnul, | | | thumping | strasnic, teribil, | | | thunder | tunet, trasnet, | | | thus | astfel, asa, | | | thwart | a contrazice, a zadarnici, | | | thy (old) | (a) tau (engl. veche), | | | tick | ticait, semn, bifare, | | | ticket | bilet, tichet, | | | tickle | gidilat, | | | ticklish | gidilicios, spinos, | | | tide | tendinta( generala), | | | tidiness | ordine, | | | tidings | vesti, | | | tidy | ordinat, curat, mare, | | | tie | legatura, funie, cravata, | | | tier | rind de loji, rafturi, | | | tiger | tigru, | | | tight | inchis, strins, strimt, | | | tighten | a incorda, a intinde, | | | tights | pantaloni de balet, | | | tigress | tigroaica, | | | tile | tigla, | | | till | sertar, a cultiva, | | | tilt | inclinare, turnir, | | | timber | cherestea, lemne, padure, | | | timbered | lucrat in lemnarie, | | | timbre | timbru, | | | time | timp, data, ocazie, epoca, | | | timely | potrivit, oportun, | | | timing | potrivire in timp, | | | timorous | fricos, timid, | | | tin | cositor, tinichea, | | | tinder | iasca, | | | tinge | nuanta, tenta, urma, | | | tingle | furnicatura, tiuiala, | | | tinker | tinichigiu, meserias, prost, | | | tinkle | clinchet, zanganit, | | | tinned food goo | conserve, | | | tinsel | beteala, poleiala, | | | tint | culoare, nuanta, | | | tiny | mititel, | | | tip | virf, bacsis, sfat, rasturnare, | | | tipple | bautura, | | | tipsy | beat, cherchelit, | | | tire | anvelopa, cauciuc de roata, | | | tired | obosit, istovit, plictisit, | | | tiredness | oboseala, | | | tireless | neobosit, energic, neincetat, | | | tiresome | obositor, suparator, | | | tiro | incepator, | | | tissue | tesatura, tesut, | | | tit | pitigoi, | | | titbit | bucatica buna, delicatese, | | | tithe | dijma, | | | titillate | a gidila, | | | titivate | a (se) impopotona, | | | title | titlu drept, | | | titled | innobilat, | | | titter | chicotit, | | | tittle-tattle | birfeala, zvon, a flecari, | | | to | la, spre, inainte de, | | | to-do | zarva, agitatie, | | | toad | parazit, lingusitor, | | | toady | lingau, | | | toast | piine prajita, | | | toaster | gratar pentru pregatit piinea, | | | tobacco | tutun, | | | tobacconist | tutungiu, tutungerie, | | | toboggan | sanie (lunga), | | | today | zilele noastre, | | | toe | deget de la picior, | | | toffee | caramela, acadea, trufa, | | | tog | haina, a se imbraca, | | | together | impreuna, laolalta, | | | togged | echipat(corespunzator), intolit, | | | toggle | buton, nasture, | | | toil | truda, a merge greu, | | | toiler | truditor, | | | toilet | toaleta, | | | toilsome | obositor, laborios, | | | token | semn, simbol, | | | tolerable | suportabil, acceptabil, | | | toll | dangat de clopot, jertfe, | | | tomahawk | securea pieilor rosii, | | | tomato | (patlagica) rosie, | | | tomb | cavou, mormint, | | | tomboy | fata baietoasa, | | | tomcat | motan, | | | tome | volum, | | | tomfool | prostanac, | | | tomfoolery | aiureala, prostii, | | | tommy | soldat britanic, | | | tomorrow | (ziua de) miine, | | | tomtit | pitigoi, | | | ton | tona, | | | tone | ton, intonatie, esenta, | | | toneless | mort, fara viata, | | | tongs | cleste, | | | tongue | limba, limbaj, | | | tonight | deseara, la noapte, | | | tonnage | tonaj, | | | tonsil | amigdalita, | | | too | de asemenea, si, prea, foarte, | | | tool | unealta, | | | tooth | dinte, | | | toothache | durere de dinti, | | | toothless | stirb, fara dinti, | | | toothpick | scobitoare, | | | toothsome | gustos, | | | toothy | zimbet larg(pina la urechi), | | | tootle | a merge agale, a cinta la..., | | | top | virf, culme, partea de sus, | | | topic | subiect, | | | topical | interesant, actual, curent, | | | topmost | cel mai de sus, | | | topper | joben, baiat bun, | | | topping | grozav, | | | topple | a rasturna, a se balabani, | | | topsy-turvy | talmes balmes, | | | torch | torta, flacara, | | | torment | chin, durere, necaz, | | | tornado | uragan, tromba, | | | torpedo | torpila, | | | torpid | pasiv, toropit, | | | torpor | torpoare, lene, toropeala, | | | tortoise | broasca testoasa, | | | tortuous | rasucit, incurcat, necinstit, | | | torture | tortura, chin, | | | toss | clatinare, prabusire, aruncare, | | | tot | copilas, paharel, a aduna, | | | total | total, a se ridica la, | | | tote | masina de calculat, | | | totter | a se clatina (pe picioare), | | | touch | atingere, pipait, tuseu, | | | touched | atins, induiosat, | | | touching | miscator, emotionant, | | | touchy | ultrasensibil, iritabil, | | | tough | tare, aspru, dificil, | | | toughen | a inaspri, a intari, | | | tour | a vizita, a face turism, | | | touring-car | (auto)turism, | | | tournament | competitie, turneu, turnir, | | | tousle | a incurca, a zbirli, | | | toward(s) | catre, aproape de, fata de, | | | towel | prosop, | | | tower | turn, a domina, a se inalta, | | | towering | inalt, dominant, | | | town | oras, oraseni, | | | toy | jucarie, | | | trace | urma, trasor, | | | traceable | identificabil, de gasit, | | | track | urma, pista, drum, poteca, | | | tract | teren, intindere, canal, | | | tractable | docil, maleabil, | | | traction | tractiune, | | | trade | meserie, ocupatie, comert, | | | trader | comerciant, vas comercial, | | | traffic | trafic, circulatie, | | | trail | dira, urma, poteca, | | | trailer | remorca, urmaritor, | | | train | alai, a educa, a antrena, | | | trainer | antrenor, | | | training | instructie, instruire, | | | traipse | a hoinari, a pierde vremea, | | | trait | trasatura(caracteristica), | | | traitor | tradator, | | | traitress | tradatoare, | | | tram | tramvai, | | | trammel | piedica, incurcatura, | | | tramp | vagabond, a cutreiera, | | | trample | tropait, a calca in picioare, | | | tranquil(l)ity | liniste, calm, | | | transact | a incheia, a face (afaceri), | | | transaction | tranzactie, procese-verbale, | | | transcendent | a trece peste, | | | transcribe | a transcrie, | | | transcript | copie, | | | transfer | (act de) transfer, | | | transfix | a strapunge, a paraliza, | | | transform | a transforma, a schimba, | | | transformer | transformator, | | | transgress | a incalca, a pacatui, | | | transgression | incalcare, pacat, | | | transgressor | infractor, pacatos, | | | transient | trecator, | | | transition | tranzatie, | | | transitory | efemer, | | | translate | a traduce, a muta, | | | translation | traducere, translatie, | | | translator | traducator, interpret, | | | transmission | transmisie, emisie, | | | transmit | transmite, a emite, | | | transom | imposta, traversa, | | | transpose | a transpune, | | | transposition | transpunere, | | | trap | capcana, trapa, | | | trappings | ornamente, abtibilduri, | | | trash | gunoi, | | | trashy | fara valoare, | | | travel | calatorie, a strabate, | | | travel(l)ed | umblat, | | | travel(l)er | calator, | | | travelogue | conferinta(geografica), | | | traverse | transversal, | | | travesty | travestire, simulacru, parodie, | | | trawl | navod, a tiri, | | | trawler | vas de pescari, | | | treble | triplu, intreit, | | | tree | arbore, | | | treeless | despadurit, | | | trefoil | trifoi, | | | trellis | spalier, grila, | | | tremble | tremur, | | | trembling | tremurat, tremurator, | | | tremendous | teribil, strasnic, | | | tremendously | extraordinar, foarte mult, | | | tremor | tremura(t), fior, emotie, | | | tremulous | tremurator, | | | trench | transee, sant, | | | trenchant | taios, hotarit, | | | trencher | tocator, | | | trend | tendinta, curent, | | | trespass | incalcare, braconaj, | | | trespasser | infractor, | | | tress | bucle, | | | trestle | capra, | | | trial | proces, necaz, experienta, | | | triangle | triunghi, | | | triangular | triunghiular, | | | tribulation | necaz, suparare, chin, | | | tribune | tribun, tribuna, | | | tributary | afluent, tributar, afluent, | | | tribute | tribut, omagiu, | | | trice | clipa, | | | trick | truc, farsa, a pacali, | | | trickle | scurgere, dira, | | | trickster | trisor, | | | tricky | inselator, complicat, | | | tricycle | triciclu, | | | tried | incercat, de nadejde, | | | trifle | fleac, bagatela, | | | trifling | neinsemnat, | | | trigger | tragaci, | | | trill | a face triluri, | | | trillion | trilion, | | | trim | pus la punct, curat, elegant, | | | trimming | potrivire, ornamentatie, | | | trinket | podoaba, fleac, | | | trip | calatorie, excursie, | | | tripe | burta de vaca, | | | triplet | unul din trei gemeni, | | | tripod | trepied, | | | trite | banal(izat), | | | triumph | triumf, victorie, | | | triumphant | triumfal, | | | trivial | neinsemnat, meschin, banal, | | | triviality | fleac, lipsa de importanta, | | | trolley | carucior, vagonet, troliu, | | | troop | trupa, detasament, | | | trooper | soldat, | | | trope | figura de stil, metafora, | | | trophy | trofeu, | | | trot | trap, fuga, | | | trotter | trapas, picioare de porc, | | | trouble | necaz, bucluc, | | | troublesome | suparator, chinuitor, | | | trough | troaca, | | | troupe | trupa(artistica), | | | trousers | pantaloni, | | | trout | pastrav, | | | trowel | mistrie, | | | troy | sistem de greutati, | | | truancy | chiul, | | | truant | chiulangiu, absent, | | | truce | armistitiu, ragaz, | | | truck | vagon de marfa, | | | truculent | agresiv, feroce, | | | trudge | a merge, a se tiri cu greu, | | | TRUE | adevarat, credincios, | | | truffle | trufa, | | | truism | platitudine, | | | truly | cu adevarat, sincer, | | | trump | trimbita, a inscena, | | | trumpery | bijuterii false, | | | trumpet | trompeta, cornet, | | | trumpeter | trompetist, trimbitas, | | | truncheon | matraca, | | | trundle | a (se) rostogoli, | | | trunk | trunchi, trup, cufar, | | | truss | snop, bandaj, a lega, | | | trust | incredere, tutela, trust, | | | trustee | tutore, girant, | | | trusteeship | tutela, girare, | | | trustful | increzator, | | | truth | adevar, | | | truthful | sincer, corect, adevarat, | | | truthfulness | sinceritate, adevar, | | | try | incercare, a judace, a chinui, | | | trying | suparator, | | | tub | albie, cada, | | | tube | tub, lampa de radio, | | | tubercular | tuberculos, | | | tubing | tub(aj), | | | tuck | pliu, mincare, a inveli, | | | tuck-in | gustare, mincare, | | | tuft | smoc, mot, | | | tug | tragere, tractiune, | | | tuition | invatatura, taxe scolare, | | | tulip | lalea, | | | tumble | cadere, tumba, | | | tumbler | pahar(fara picior), acrobat, | | | tummy | burtica, | | | tumult | aitatie, zarva, | | | tun | butoi, | | | tune | melodie, ton, armonie, | | | tuneful | melodios, | | | tuning | acord(aj), | | | tunny | ton, | | | tuppence | doi penny, | | | turbid | tulbure, invalmasit, | | | turbine | turbina, | | | turbo-jet | turboreactor, | | | turbot | calcan, | | | tureen | supiera, sosiera, | | | turf | iarba, curse de cai, | | | turgid | congestionat, pompos, | | | turmoil | invalmaseala, | | | turn | intoarcere, rotire, ocazie, scop, | | | turncoat | tradator, | | | turner | strungar, | | | turning | cotitura, | | | turnip | nap, gulie, | | | turnkey | temnicer, | | | turnover | dever, profit, | | | turnpike | bariera, | | | turnstile | cruce de bariera, portita, | | | turntable | placa turnata, | | | turpentine | terebentina, | | | turquoise | peruzea, | | | turret | turnulet, turela, | | | turtle | broasca testoasa, | | | tusk | fildes, colt, | | | tussle | incaierare, | | | tut | as, mtt (interjectie), | | | tutor | profesor, meditator, | | | tutorial | seminar, ora practica, | | | tuxedo | smoching, | | | twaddle | vorbarie, aiureala, | | | twang | vorbire nazala, (a)zbirniit, | | | tweak | ciupitura, a ciupi, | | | tweed | stofa cu picatele, costum golf, | | | tweezers | penseta, | | | twelfth | doisprezecime, al doispre...., | | | twelve | doisprezece, | | | twenty | douazeci, deceniul al treilea, | | | twice | de doua ori, dublu, | | | twiddle | a invirti de pomana, | | | twig | ramurica, | | | twilight | crepuscul, amurg, zori, | | | twill | postav (cu dungi), | | | twilled | rasucit, | | | twin | geaman, | | | twine | suvita, a(se)impleti, a incolaci, | | | twinge | junghi, intepatura, | | | twinkle | scinteiere, (a)licari[re], | | | twinkling | clipa, clipire, | | | twirl | rasucire, | | | twist | rasucire, intoarcere, ocol, | | | twister | escroc, dificultate, | | | twitch | smucitura, tic nervos, | | | twitter | ciripit, a ciripi, | | | two | doi, pereche, | | | two-handed | dificil, | | | two-row barley | orzoaica, | | | twofold | dublu, | | | tycoon | magnat, | | | tympanum | timpan, | | | type | tip, categorie, persoana, litera, | | | type setter | culegator(tipog.), | | | typewrite | a dactilografia, | | | typhoid | fbra tifoida, | | | typhus | tifos(exantematic), | | | typical | tipic, | | | typify | a exemplifica, a tipiza, | | | typist | dactilograf[a], | | | tyrant | tiran, | | | tyre | anvelopa (auto), | | | tyro | incepator, | | | tzar | tar, |
| Dictionar roman-englez.
| | | | ta | your, | | | tabacar | tanner, | | | tabara | camp, | | | tabel | chart, teble, | | | tabla | board, teble, | | | tabla ondulata | corrugated iron, | | | tableta | lozenge, tabloid, taboid, | | | tablita | slate, | | | tablou | canvas, picture, scene, tableau, | | | tacere | hush, quiet, silence, | | | tachina (a) | banter, chaff, | | | tacimuri | cutlery, | | | taciune | mildew, smut, | | | tactica | policy, tactis, | | | tacut | quiescent, reticent, silent, | | | tai | your, | | | taia (a) | kill, slash, | | | taietei | noodle, | | | taietor | cutter, | | | taietura | cut, cutting, gash, incision, rip, | | | taina | secrecy, | | | tainic | dark, privy, | | | tainui (a) | conceal, | | | tainuit | unspoken, | | | tainuitor | fence, receiver, | | | taios | trenchant, | | | talas | shaving, | | | talaz | billow, | | | tale | your, | | | talent | dowry, | | | taler | piggish, | | | talie | waist, | | | talmes balmes | topsy-turvy, | | | talpa | sole, | | | taluz | embankment, | | | tamiie | frankincense, incense, | | | tampon | wad, | | | tampon.mapa de birou | blotter, | | | tamtam | tattoo, | | | tanc | tank, | | | tanc petrolier | oiler, tanker, | | | tandrete | fondness, | | | tandru | fond, gentle, | | | tanin | tan, | | | tap | goat, | | | tap ispasitor | scapegoat, | | | tapet | tapestry, | | | tapisa (a) | upholster, | | | tapiserie | tapestry, uphostery, | | | tapsan | ledge, | | | tara | country, kingdom, nation, | | | taraba | booth, | | | taran | peasant, | | | taranesc | peasant, | | | taranime | peasantry, | | | taranoi | bumpkin, | | | tarc | fold, pen, reservation, ring, | | | tare | crisp, crusty, firm, hard, loud, tough, | | | tarie de caracter | pluck, | | | tarim | realm, | | | tarina | dirt, dust, fallow, | | | tarm | coast, shore, | | | tarta | tart, | | | tarus | peg, picket, | | | tata | father, governor, sire, | | | taticu | pa, | | | tatuaj | tattoo, | | | tau | your, | | | taun | gadfly, | | | tavita | salver, | | | taxa | due, excise, fee, tax, | | | taxa postala | postage, | | | taxe | levy, | | | taxe scolare | tuition, | | | taxi | cab, | | | teaca | sheath, | | | teama | apprehension, awe, fear, motif, | | | teanc | sheaf, wad, | | | teapa | prick, prickle, | | | teapan | fast, unbendig, | | | teasc | wine, | | | teatru de revista | revue, | | | teava | drain, pipe, | | | tei | lime, | | | tejghea | counter, | | | telal | pedlar, | | | telegrama | cable, dispatch, radiogram, telegram, wire, | | | telina | celery, | | | tema | task, theme, | | | temeinic | thoroughly, | | | temelie | foundation, | | | temere | misapprehension, | | | temnicer | jailer, turnkey, warder, | | | temnita | gaol, jail, | | | tempera (a) | modify, | | | temperament | temper, | | | templu | temple, | | | ten | complexion, skin, | | | tenace | dogged, tenacious, | | | tencuiala | mortar, | | | tendinta | bent, tendency, trend, | | | tendinta( generala) | tide, | | | tendon | sinew, | | | tenor | tenor, | | | tensiune | tension, | | | tenta | tinge, | | | teolog | divine, | | | tepos | thorny, | | | terasa | terrace, | | | tercere | pass, | | | terci | gruel, mash, mush, | | | terci (de ovaz) | porridge, | | | tercut | yesterday, | | | terebentina | turpentine, | | | teren | course, ground, land, tract, | | | teren de parada | parade, | | | teren sportiv | court, field, | | | tergiversa (a) | protract, | | | teribil | awfully, formidable, thumping, tremendous, | | | teribil (de) | dredfully, frightfully, rarely, | | | termen | term, | | | termina (a) | finish, | | | terminat | over, | | | terminatie | ending, | | | terminus | terminal, | | | terorist | bully, | | | teroriza | brow, | | | teroriza (a) | bully, | | | tesator | weaver, | | | tesatura | fabric, texture, tissue, warp, wed, | | | tesaturi de bumbac | cotton, | | | tese (a)(se) | weave, | | | tesut | tissue, | | | tevarie | piping, | | | text de cintec | lyric, | | | tezaur | coffer, hoard, | | | tibie | shin, | | | tic nervos | twitch, | | | ticait | tick, | | | ticalos | bastard, blackuard, devil, fell, fiend, graceless, heel, heinous, infamous, knave, knavish, nasty, | | | ticalosie | enormity, infamy, iniquity, knavery, mischief, misdoing, roguery, villainy, wickedness, | | | tichet | reservation, ticket, voucher, | | | tifna | sourness, | | | tifnos | cross-grained, grumpy, huffy, irritable, peevish, | | | tifos(exantematic) | typhus, | | | tigaie cu coada | fryngpan, | | | tigaie de incalzit | warming-pan, | | | tigaie(cu coada) | pan, | | | tigan(ca) | gipsy, gypsy, | | | tiganesc | gypsy, | | | tigara | fag, | | | tigla | tile, | | | tigroaica | tigress, | | | tigru | tiger, | | | tihna | content, ease, quietude, rest, | | | tihnit | easy, peaceable, serene, uneventful, | | | tija | rod, shaft, | | | tilhar | robber, | | | tilharie | robbery, | | | timbru | timbre, | | | timid | bashful, chary, coy, sheepish, shy, timorous, | | | timiditate | modesty, | | | timp | distance, season, time, | | | timp al verbului | tense, | | | timp de | for, | | | timpan | tympanum, | | | timpenie | idiocy, | | | timpit | ass, dolt, donkey, dull, dullard, dunce, opaque, | | | timpla | temple, | | | timplar | joiner, | | | timpuriu | early, forward, | | | tinar | juvenile, young, youth, youthful, | | | tinc | mite, | | | tine in friu (a) | curb, | | | tine predici (a) | preach, | | | tinere | hold, | | | tineresc | young, youthful, | | | tineret | youth, | | | tinerete | prime, youth, | | | tinichea | tin, | | | tinichigiu | tinker, | | | tinind seama de | considering, | | | tinji (a) | crave, hanker, | | | tinji(dupa) (a) | yearn, | | | tinta | butt, goal, target, | | | tinta (de bocanc) | hobnail, | | | tintar | gnat, mosquito, | | | tinti (a) | aim, fix, | | | tinti prea departe (a) | overshoot, | | | tintui (a) | fasten, | | | tinut | zip, | | | tinut secret | undisclosed, | | | tinuta | deportment, | | | tip | type, | | | tip (ciudat) | guy, | | | tipa (a) | shriek, | | | tipar | eel, norm, print, printing, | | | tipari (a) | print, | | | tipat | scream, shriek, yell, | | | tipat (sinistru) | screech, | | | tipator | blatant, gaily, gaudy, ostentatious, | | | tipic | typical, | | | tipograf | printer, | | | tir | fire, firing, | | | tiraj | edition, | | | tiran | tyrant, | | | tirfa | tart, | | | tirg | fair, market, | | | tirguieli | shopping, | | | tiri (a) | drag, lug, pull, trawl, | | | tiri cu greu(a se) | trudge, | | | tiri(a se) | crawl, creep, grovel, | | | tirire | crawl, | | | tiritura | hussy, | | | tirnacop | pick, | | | tirtita | rump, | | | tirziu | late, | | | tisa | yew, | | | tisnire | dash, | | | titei | oil, petroleum, | | | titlu (de coloana) | heading, | | | titlu drept | title, | | | tiuiala | tingle, | | | tiv | | | | tivi (a) | hem, hemstitch, | | | toaleta | lavatory, toilet, | | | toamna | fall, | | | toata lumea | everybody, | | | toate | every, | | | toba | drum, | | | tobosar | drummer, | | | toca (a) | mince, | | | tocana | hash, | | | tocator | trencher, | | | tocatura | hash, | | | toci (a) | cram, | | | tocit | blunt, pointless, | | | tocmeala | bargain, | | | tocmi(a se) | haggle, | | | tolba de sageti | quiver, | | | tolera (a) | brook, | | | ton | key, tone, tune, tunny, vein, | | | tona | ton, | | | tonaj | tonnage, | | | tonic | cordial, | | | tonomat | juke-box, | | | top de hirtie | ream, | | | topai (a) | bounce, | | | topaiala | hop, leap, skip, | | | topi (a)(se) | melt, | | | topi(a se) | fuse, | | | topirlan | boor, | | | topitorie | foundry, | | | topogan | slide, | | | toptan | gross, | | | torent | flush, gust, volley, | | | toropeala | drowsiness, slumber, torpor, | | | toropit | torpid, | | | torpila | torpedo, | | | torpoare | torpor, | | | tort. cozonac | cake, | | | torta | torch, | | | tortura | torture, | | | tot(al) | entire, | | | tot(ul) | everything, | | | total | downright, implicit, outright, purely, sheer, total, unmitigated, utter, utterly, | | | totalizator | register, | | | toti | all, every, | | | totul (cu) | altogether, | | | totusi | however, notwithsanding, though, | | | tovaras | chum, comrade, fellow, mate, pal, | | | tovarasie | companionship, fellowship, partnership, | | | toxicoman | fiend, | | | trabuc | cigar, | | | tractiune | draught, haul, traction, tug, | | | trada (a)(se) | betray, | | | tradare | betrayal, | | | tradatoare | traitress, | | | tradator | tell-tale, traitor, turncoat, | | | traditie | institution, | | | traditional | wonted, | | | traducator | translator, | | | traduce (a) | translate, | | | traducere | translation, version, | | | trafic | traffic, | | | tragaci | trigger, | | | trage (a) | drag, haul, pull, | | | trage pe sfoara (a) | cajole, | | | trage(a se) | descend, | | | tragere | draw, tug, | | | trai | living, | | | trai (mijloace de) | livelihood, | | | trainic | lasting, | | | tramvai | car, tram, | | | trancaneala | gibberish, patter, | | | trandafir | rose, | | | trandafiriu | rosy, | | | transcrie (a) | transcribe, | | | transee | trench, | | | transfer | conveyance, transfer, | | | transfera (a) | devolve, | | | transforma (a) | evolve, transform, | | | transformator | transformer, | | | translatie | translation, | | | transmisie | transmission, | | | transmite | transmit, | | | transmite (a) | convey, give, remit, render, | | | transmitere | conveyance, | | | transparent | pellucid, | | | transpira (a) | perspire, | | | transpiratie | perspiration, | | | transport | consignment, freight, shipment, shipping, | | | transporta (a) | freight, | | | transportat | rapt, | | | transpune (a) | transpose, | | | transpunere | transposition, | | | transversal | traverse, | | | tranzactie | transaction, | | | tranzatie | transition, | | | trap | trot, | | | trapa | hatch, trap, | | | trapas | trotter, | | | trasa (a) | map, | | | trasatura | feat, feature, | | | trasatura(caracteristica) | trait, | | | trasnet | crash, thunder, | | | trasor | trace, | | | trasura | carriage, coach, | | | trata de sus (a) | patronize, | | | tratative | talk, | | | traversa | sleeper, transom, | | | traversare | crossing, | | | travestire | disguise, travesty, | | | treaba | affair, job, work, | | | treapta | rung, | | | treaz | awake, sober, watchful, | | | trebui (a) | must, | | | trecator | evanescent, passer-by, passing, transient, | | | trece (a) | elapse, | | | trece (peste) (a) | negotiale, | | | trece cu vederea (a) | condone, connive, | | | trece peste (a) | transcendent, | | | trece prin (a) | undergo, | | | trece usor peste (a) | skim, | | | trecere | change, crossing, lapse, passage, passing, | | | trecere in revista | muster, review, | | | trecut | past, | | | trecut simplu | preterite, | | | trei | three, | | | trei penny | threepence, | | | treiera (a) | thrash, thresh, | | | treierat | thrashing, | | | treime | third, | | | treisprezce | thirteen, | | | treisprezecelea (al) | thirteenth, | | | treizeci | thirty, | | | treizecilea (al) | thirtieth, | | | tremur | quaver, quiver, shudder, tremble, | | | tremur (cu) | quake, | | | tremura (a) | shiver, | | | tremura(t) | tremor, | | | tremurat | trembling, | | | tremurator | quaker, shaky, trembling, tremulous, | | | tren care merge in provincie | down-train, | | | tren local | local, | | | tren pentru londra | up train, | | | trepied | tripod, | | | treptat | degree, gradual, | | | tresarire | wince, | | | trestie | cane, reed, | | | trezi (a)(se) | waken, | | | trezi la realitate (a) | disabuse, undeceive, | | | trezi.a stirni (a) | arouse, | | | trezie | wakefulness, | | | tribun | tribune, | | | tribuna | tribune, | | | tribuna (pentru orator) | rostrum, | | | tribunal | bench, chancery, | | | tribunal.curte | court, | | | tribut | tribute, | | | tributar | tributary, | | | triciclu | tricycle, | | | tricota (a) | knit, | | | tricotat | knitting, | | | trifoi | clover, trefoil, | | | trilion | trillion, | | | trimbita | bugle, trump, | | | trimbita (a) | blare, | | | trimbitas | trumpeter, | | | trimestrial | quarterly, | | | trimestru | quarter, | | | trimis | envoy, | | | trimite (a) | commend, refer, send, | | | trindav | idle, lazy, slothful, sluggish, | | | trindaveala | lounge, | | | trindavi (a) | laze, | | | trindavie | luxury, sloth, | | | trinti (a)(se) | fling, slam, | | | trinti la examen (a) | fail, | | | trintor | drone, | | | triplu | treble, | | | trisor | cheat, trickster, | | | trist | cheerless, dejected, dismal, doleful, gloomy, grievous, lone(ly), mirthless, overcast, plaintive, rueful, sad, | | | tristete | gloom, sadness, | | | triumf | triumph, | | | triumfal | triumphant, | | | triumfator | jubilant, | | | triunghi | triangle, | | | triunghiular | triangular, | | | troaca | trough, | | | troc | barter, | | | trofeu | scalp, trophy, | | | troliu | trolley, | | | tromba | tornado, | | | trompeta | trumpet, | | | trompetist | trumpeter, | | | tron | throne, | | | tropait | trample, | | | tropot | clatter, | | | trosnet | snap, | | | trotineta | scooter, | | | truc | dodge, trick, | | | truda | drudgery, fag, grind, toil, | | | trudi (a) | plod, | | | truditor | toiler, | | | trufa | toffee, truffle, | | | trufas | lordly, | | | trunchi | trunk, | | | trup | flesh, trunk, | | | trupa | troop, | | | trupa(artistica) | troupe, | | | trupesc | bodily, | | | trusa | kit, wallet, | | | trust | trust, | | | tu | you, | | | tu insuti | yourself, | | | tub | hose, tube, | | | tub(aj) | tubing, | | | tuberculos | consumptive, tubercular, | | | tufis | bush, shrub, thicket, | | | tulbura (a) | bewilder, disconcert, disquiet, distract, disturb, molest, perturb, unsettle, violate, | | | tulburare | disorder, disturbance, excitement, riot, unrest, | | | tulburat | uneasy, | | | tulbure | turbid, | | | tumba | tumble, | | | tumplarie | joinery, | | | tumult | uproar, | | | tun | cannon, | | | tunar | gunner, | | | tunde | shear, | | | tunet | crash, thunder, | | | tunsoare | cut, | | | tunta | tack, | | | tupeu | gut, | | | tura | rook, | | | turba | peat, | | | turbare | rabies, | | | turbat | mad, rabid, | | | turbina | turbine, | | | turboreactor | turbo-jet, | | | turbulent | disorgerly, riotous, uproarious, | | | turela | turret, | | | turism | caravanning, touring-car, | | | turma | drove, flock, herd, | | | turn | tower, | | | turna (a) | cast, pour, | | | turneu | tournament, | | | turnir | tilt, tournament, | | | turnulet | turret, | | | turta | muffin, | | | turti (a) | batter, | | | turti (a)(se) | flatten, | | | turture | icucle, | | | turturea | dove, | | | tuse | cough, | | | tuseu | touch, | | | tusiera | pad, | | | tutela | guardianship, trust, trusteeship, ward, | | | tutore | guardian, trustee, | | | tutun | tobacco, | | | tutun de mestecat | quid, | | | tutungerie | tobacconist, | | | tutungiu | tobacconist, | | | telefon | phone, telephone, |